Venus Fest Five took place virtually Oct 22-23, and IRL Oct 16-30 at Toronto art gallery the plumb. Artists presented live recorded music in collaboration with animated and filmed video content, which premiered over two nights during the virtual festival. The videos were mounted as an installation for two weeks at the plumb, alongside a gallery installation from Emily Pelstring, and “After the Witch of Malleghem,” an AR print from Emily Pelstring, Jenn E Norton and Edie Soleil. The festival explored the theme of bridges (associated with the number five in numerology) through these multi-genre collaborations, through virtual and IRL worlds, and through continuing to push for progress and new paradigms within music.

Curated by Dainesha Nugent-Palache, Venus Fest Five included a selection of video works and one physical art installation created by a roster of visual artists. Visual works premiered during the virtual and were exhibited as a video installation for two weeks at the plumb, alongside a gallery installation from Emily Pelstring, and “After the Witch of Malleghem,” an AR print from Emily Pelstring, Jenn E Norton and Edie Soleil.

Night One   -   Night One   -   Night One   -   Night One   -   Night One   -   Night One   -   Night One   -   Night One   -   Night One   -    

Musical Lineup

With Videos By

Night Two   -   Night Two   -   Night Two   -   Night Two   -   Night Two   -   Night Two   -   Night Two   -   Night Two   -   Night Two   -    

Musical Lineup

With Videos By